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Tots And Time Out Terms & Conditions

On acceptance of a place at a Tots and Time Out or Bright Beginnings Nursery the following terms and conditions apply.


Hours and Fees

Your child will attend on the agreed days and hours. If you want to change these days or hours you will need to complete a ‘Request to Change Hours Form’ that you can get from the Nursery Manager.

Payment of fees is monthly in advance unless an individual arrangement with the Manager has been made. You can pay by credit or debit card, cash, standing order or via the internet.

A £75 registration fee is payable when you register your child, and all absences must be paid in full.

The nursery is shut for 2 weeks over the Christmas period and Bank Holidays, we do not charge for these days. If you wish to decrease your child's attendance we will require one months notice


Children must be brought to and collected from nursery on time; we have to be strict about this to ensure we are within our registered number of children on the premises at all times. Parents of children brought early to a session will be asked to wait outside or in reception until the appropriate time. A late collection fee applies to children collected late from a session at a rate of £5 per fifteen minutes.

Fees are subject to annual review.



We require one months notice if you decide to remove your child from the nursery.



If your child is unwell and not attending nursery we appreciate a telephone call on the morning of the absence. If your child has a stomach bug we will not accept them at nursery until they have been clear of symptoms for at least 48 hours. There is no reduction in fees for sick leave. The nursery reserves the right to send any child home if we feel they are not well enough to attend nursery. Please see our Sick Child Policy for further information.


Accident and Injuries

If your child has a ‘minor’ accident with us whilst at nursery we will fill out an Accident Form for this and inform you when you collect your child and ask you to sign the form. If they have a ‘Head Injury’ we will fill out a Head Injury Form and ring you to inform you of the accident, on most occasions we will let you know what happened, let you know that they are fine and that we will keep a close eye on them and inform you immediately if they show any signs of concussion, although on some occasions we will ask you to come and collect your child either to take them for further medical attention or just so they can be with you and you can keep a closer eye on them. This is also the same for more ‘major’ accidents we would follow the same procedure as above with a Head Injury.

Existing Injuries are injuries your child has that were not done at nursery, it is your responsibility to inform us of any of these and we will then ask you to complete an Existing Injuries Form for our records – these are all locked away securely. If you do not inform us and we see the injury throughout the session we will speak to you about it at the end of that session and ask you to complete a form then.

Clothing & Personal Belongings

We encourage you to dress your child in clothes that are not too precious and we promise to use aprons during activities, however if clothing does get damaged we cannot be held responsible. We do have a non compulsory uniform that you can purchase for your child, please click below for Price List.

We are not responsible for items left on the premises such as coats, buggies and toys; unlabelled items are particularly likely to go astray and we encourage all parents to label belongings clearly.


Child's Safety & Security

Whilst you are on nursery premises, until you have handed your child over to a member of staff, you are responsible for the care and safety of your child. Once your child has been handed back to you by a member of staff you are again responsible for the care and safety of your child.

If someone different will be picking up your child you must inform the nursery beforehand giving either a photograph or good description and a password. Please see our Child Collection Policy for further details.


Medication & Medical Conditions

If your child is on any medication which has to be administered whilst attending nursery you must fill out a consent form at Reception giving instructions on time, dosage etc, please see our Medication Policy for further details.

It is vital you inform the nursery immediately if your child has or develops an allergy, asthma or any medical condition & provide nursery with full information regarding the condition and treatment.



Could you please apply your child’s sun cream before you bring them to nursery for a morning or afternoon session. Please apply it even if it looks cloudy, as weather is so changeable!  If your child attends all day then please apply sun cream at home for the morning session then pop a small bottle of sun cream in their bag and we will re-apply it for afternoon garden session.

Sun hats can be kept here in a little bag on their peg or you can bring them in on a daily basis.


Equal Opportunities

Staff working in our nursery will respect the different racial origins, religions, special needs, cultures & languages of children. Please see our Equal Opportunities Policy for further information.


Policies & Procedures

Details of our policies & procedures are on display in the nursery at all times and in the reception within our folders which are available for you to look at at any time. Complaints should be brought to the attention of the nursery manager who will endeavour to resolve the situation.


Photography and Videos

Whilst your child is at nursery their photo will be taken for a number of different reasons; to be put around the nursery so parents can see the fun we get up to, to be uploaded onto their Online Learning Journey either as an individual photo or sometimes as a group photo (a group photo will mean that the other children's parents in the photo will also get sent the photo) or to be put on our website to advertise the nursery (no names are put on there). We will ask your permission for all these different scenarios on your child’s registration form.



All children attending Tots and Time Out  and Bright Beginnings Nursery have a personal on-line Learning Journey which records photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage, to build up a record of your child’s experiences during their time with us.


We use Tapestry, a system, which is hosted on secure servers in the EU. You will have secure access (via email address and password) to your child’s Learning Journey and, in addition to viewing our contributions, we encourage you to add to it by uploading photos and comments, or commenting on observations made by us.


We ask that no photographs or videos that are put on Tapestry are shared on any social media sites, whether it is a group or individual photograph/video. If a Parent chooses to ignore this request they will be made 'inactive' on their child's Tapestry account. This is to ensure the safety and confidentiality of all children at our setting.


Government Funding

We offer the Government Funding 'Universal Hours' to all 3 and 4 year olds and eligible 2 year olds. We also have a limited number of 30 hour funding slots. Our Funding Policy gives you all the information on how and when you can take the funding. When you have claimed the funding and completed the relevant forms with the nursery you must ensure your child attends the full hours that we are claiming for.


Healthy Lifestyles

We promote Healthy Lifestyles through Physical Exercise and Healthy Eating, we ask that you support us with this by ensuring if your child has a Packed Lunch that it is healthy and contains no sweets or chocolates and has the correct portion sizes, Please see our Guide to a Healthy Lunch boxes Booklet for more advice. We also have Physical Activity Take Home Bags which your child will bring home on a weekend to share with their families and ensure your child is involved in lots of Physical Activities whilst at nursery. We also give all new families a copy of our Healthy Living Booklet.


Under NO circumstances are parents or visitors to the nursery allowed to use their mobile phones to take photos of the children within the setting. We also ask that all mobile phones are not used whilst you are within the nursery and they are put away in bags or pockets. If you are using your phone inside the building you will be asked to turn it off or wait outside until you have finished the call.

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